Size: M
Fabric: Grey wool and blue lining from Mason's
It's exciting that all the autumn/winter patterns are being released and of course my want list is growing daily. One evening I exclaimed to Big Minx "oooh, New Look have made a double-breasted waistcoat pattern" to which he replied "Yes. Want one". Who am I to deny the wishes of such a stylish gent?
We trotted off to Mason's on Saturday morning, found some fabric, and I cracked on with it that afternoon. By the end of Sunday it was finished. "What do you mean, 'finished'?" exclaimed the recipient, incredulous! This was, indeed, a very quick job, especially as Big Minx didn't want pockets or collar (some of the pattern options). There isn't much to say about the pattern - everything made sense and it was really simple to follow. I used lining fabric for the back instead of the main fabric but otherwise didn't change anything.
I do, however, love a revelation, and this time it was in the form of a buttonhole foot. I've always used my normal sewing foot for everything, whether that be inserting invisible zips, or doing buttonholes. I decided I would actually try the buttonhole foot this time and oh my did it make a difference! I am so proud of these buttonholes which were super easy and look super neat. So I'll be using that beast again!
On an aside, I find it astounding how awful the visuals are on some sewing patterns. Who on earth wants to dress like the people on this one?! Surely it wouldn't hurt to get some stylists involved, New Look!
Here is the handsomest waistcoat wearer in all the land:
On another exciting note, my BFF's wonderful mum bequeathed to me her aunt's 1950s Singer 99k this weekend! I couldn't be more excited or touched by this incredible gift. She looks to be in great condition but as I assume she hasn't been used in many years, I'm going to take her in for a service before I use her. It's a no-frills machine that just does a straight stitch, but I believe it's possible to get attachments, such as a buttonhole attachment, which would certainly make life easier. I appreciate that mine isn't the furthest reaching blog, but if anyone happens to read this and owns a Singer 99k, I would love to hear how you get on.
Not my actual machine, but a close relation:

My gran had one of those sewing machines that you powered by foot pedal. I wonder what happened to it....
ReplyDeleteMy Mum used to have a Singer sewing machine like this one: http://freepages.family.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~shunkofamily/tgiving04/pages/page_5.html but someone had painted it white. I think it went with the old house... :-(
ReplyDeleteLucky you being given a machine! I can recommend the Masons chap as he comes to your house to service it. Costs just over £50 +parts if needed. He even sorted out my tension problem - which ended up being me!
ReplyDeleteOh that sounds perfect! Thanks for the tip-off. And yes, I am a very lucky girl. :-)