Fabric: Herringbone Suiting from Ebay
Size: L
I decided it was time to start spreading the love and so wanted to make something for Big Minx. Being a dapper dresser, I knew he would appreciate a waistcoat and that's what he got! One day when he was out I thought I would make a start, but got carried away and made the whole thing as a surprise. It was a bit big, as I thought it might be, but would always rather go too large and then have the chance to adjust. So that's what I did.
Rather foolishly, I put the buttons too far away from the edge so that when the waistcoat pulled with movement, the front didn't sit flat. I wondered about trying to enlarge the buttonholes and using bigger buttons to anchor it down. But that would have been lazy and not created a nicely finished garment. So I sat down for some bonding time with my seam ripper and removed the right front panels and recut them (luckily I had enough spare fabric!).
It was a very easy pattern to follow, and again I enjoyed the thicker paper that Kwik Sew use in their patterns. I feel happy that I've now got the confidence to replace parts without having to unpick the whole thing and start again! The fabric was lovely to sew with as it has a nice weight to it without being too thick. Despite them being the source of problems, I really enjoy making buttonholes! Each one still feels like a little bit of magic. Oh, and I did my first darts!
I am more pleased with the final result second time around, although the photo makes it clear that my button spacing still leaves a lot to be desired! But doesn't Big Minx look handsome in his waistcoat and Harris tweed blazer combo? :-) It could be neatter but hopefully he'll forgive my fledgling skills and not be too embarrassed by it.
catalogue pose alert! Tres chic.